of the School

Good Shepherd School was founded by the late Professor V.A. Mathen Bose and Mrs. Shantha Bose. Mr. Mathen Bose was educated at Madras Christian College, Chennai. Mrs. Shantha Bose was also born and educated at Chennai. She holds a post graduate degree in English from Stella Maris College, Chennai. Since both of them studied in institutions which maintained a very high academic standard and also because of their passion for the teaching profession they decided to establish a school in the small but beautiful village of Kuriannoor. The motivation behind this vision was to empower the children of rural areas, especially from the backward classes so that they could be on par with their more fortunate counterparts in urban areas, who have the privilege of attending well established English Medium Schools. The need for a school in Kuriannoor was more demanding at the time when Good Shepherd was started because there were no CBSE/ICSE Schools here within a radius of thirteen kilometers.

The aim and mission of the school is to provide quality education, especially to the backward and lower income groups. A homely but disciplined atmosphere is provided in the school which motivates and encourages children to build their inherent skills and talents also to impart academic knowledge and information which are essential in this increasingly competitive world in which they live. The school is well known for its child- centered approach where the child lives with the essence of a home which is not a home away from home but a home within a home. The school nourishes students who have learning difficulties. No child is treated as being academically backward. The school has record of excellent result year after year.