The School’s Motto

The Way: The Truth: and The Life is inspired by the words said by Lord Jesus mentioned in the Bible in John 14:6. In this modern world of heightened advancement in technology, a child is open to many choices that he/she needs to make in life. But true education is one which helps a child to choose the right path, to seek the truth and to live an abundant life. It is essential that a child is taught to have a fear (reverence) of God, respect towards parents, teachers and elders and an empathetic relation to his/her fellow beings . The school aims at providing a holistic development of child where he /she is not only trained academically but also instilling in him/her moral values which will equip him/her to be an amicable social being who can be great assets to the society and the nation as a whole. This motto paves the way for children’s character building and holistic development of personality. The motto also stands for perfection and fulfillment of life’s pursuits.


The vision of Good Shepherd School is to provide a conscientization, (a term used by Marxist educator Paulo Freire) meaning a raising of intellectual and cultural and aesthetic consciousness which will enable the development which paves the way for a peaceful, tolerant, technocratic  and pluralistic society. The school strives to create individuals who are a promise for the cultural ethos of the society and who contribute meaningful paradigms of democratic feasibility.


The Mission of Good Shepherd School is to create ideal citizens who nurture democratic values, who practice respect and tolerance for global pluralism and who are people who engage in global sustainability. The school provides the formula for creative and critical thinking which enables the development of culture and fosters the growth of democracy.